As your children grow up, one of the things you’ll likely have to help them do is create their first checking account. A checking account is basically a requirement for most people, as it’s the easiest way to get paid and many companies don’t accept cash as a method of payment. Online-only accounts like the Chime spending account can be a great option. If you’re looking to find a great first checking account for your children, here are four things that you should be paying attention to.
1. Limited Fees
If you’re looking for a checking account for a younger person, you’ll probably want to find an account with as few fees as possible. Accounts with monthly fees can sometimes be helpful for adults who are looking for more features in an account, as a higher monthly fee can often provide access to a variety of features. However, for a child who isn’t going to use many of those features, an account without a monthly fee is best, and reducing other fees can also be helpful.
2. Mobile App Access
Many children nowadays have their own phones, which means a mobile app can be a helpful way to check up on a spending or savings account. Almost all banks offer mobile app access nowadays, although online-only banks like Chime are built around this mobile access. If you’re looking for an easy way to help your child keep tabs on the money they have, a mobile app is a great way to do that.
3. A Savings Account With Automation Options
Children who don’t have a lot of purchasing needs will often be able to save a lot more of their money, and automated savings makes it easier to save without really needing to move money from one account to another. If you’re trying to help your child save as much money as possible, automated savings is one of the best ways to do it.
4. Simple Features and Easy Customer Support
Simplicity is always going to be key when you’re looking for a checking account for your child. Sure, you might have the knowledge and previous experience necessary to figure out how a more complicated bank account works, but that’s because you’re building on the other accounts you’ve had. When you’re finding a first checking account, make sure everything is easily accessible and give your child some help if they’re having issues figuring out how to use the account.
Finding a first checking account can feel extremely complicated, but it’s something that you can use to help set your child up for success in the future. Remember that a first checking account should typically just be as simple as possible. Your child doesn’t need a lot of fancy features; they need a checking account that they can use to deposit and withdraw money. The fewer fees and more straightforward options this first bank account has, the better