Problem Debt Costs the UK £8 Billion Per Year

StepChange, a national debt charity, has carried out extensive research on the cost of what it calls ‘problem debt’ – and the results are quite astounding. After studying the files of more than 100,000 of its clients, it calculated that the total cost to the UK taxpayer is in the reign of £8.3 billion per year. […]

Consumer Confidence Remains Weak Despite Strong Economic Growth

According to forecasts by the Bank of England, the British economy is likely to grow by a very healthy 3.5% in 2014. If this figure does materialise it will be the highest growth rate the country has experienced in the last ten years. However, the average British consumer is not sharing the much publicised euphoria […]

Debt Management and Collection Qualification Available

Personal debt mismanagement is a growing problem in the UK often affecting individuals who can ill afford to get it wrong. Last year consumer debt in the country increased to a staggering £1.43 trillion! This is one of the reasons why the FCA decided to take over responsibility for the regulation of personal debt. This […]

11 Top Tips to Save Money

Energy prices are on the up, transport costs are at an all-time high and the food shop just seems to becoming more and more expensive. So, what can we do to cut down on costs and increase our bank balance? Well, these money saving tips just might be the answer. 1. Compare Supermarket Prices It’s […]

Debt Consolidation Loans for Families

How do consolidation loans compare to debt management?

If you are struggling to make payments on loans, overdrafts and credit cards at the end of the month, you may have looked at ways to solve your debt problems. Amongst the solutions you could consider, a consolidation loan or a debt management programme are two popular options. We have taken a look at both […]

Man looking worried about debt

House sales in the UK are set to rise

According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ house sales in the UK are set to rise. The next three months are looking positive for the UK housing market. Rics have predicted a rise in UK house sales and have put this down to the support for mortgage lending. In recent months the Bank of […]

Man claiming back PPI

Are PPI claims likely to end in 2014?

Banks in Britain are currently trying to lobby the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to impose a deadline on customers making claims for compensation after being mis-sold payment protection insurance (PPI). So, are PPI claims likely to end in 2014 as the banks want them to? If so, what should you do? The proposed PPI deadline […]

Many with empty pockets, money saving tips

Top tips for saving money around the home

In difficult financial times there is often the need to tighten our belts and ensure that we are getting the best from every penny we earn. This can sound like a rather big chore, but there are many different ways that you can save money, starting with your home. Here are a few top tips […]